About us

What is AfrIPEN?

The Africa Interprofessional Education Network (AfrIPEN) is a consensus-based partnership between various institutions and individual with the vision to establish interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPE) as integral part in training the health workforce and in the effective functioning of systems for health in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The mission of AfrIPEN is to advocate for, collaborate on, promote and share good practice of IPE in Sub-Saharan Africa.


AfrIPEN Virtual Conference 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic affected the entire world and the need to keep us connected saw the integration of the virtual space as a platform for communication. The 2021 AfrIPEN biennial conference was initially planned to be hosted in Rwanda under the auspices of the University of Global Health Equity. However, due to public health limitations AfrIPEN had its first virtual conference under the theme “Moving health forward through IPECP” in recognition of the pivotal role interprofessional education and collaborative practice plays in adapting to the COVID-19. Keynote speakers included scholars and practitioners from Africa and abroad.

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