Symposium 2017

First Symposium for Interprofessional Education in Africa: 21-22 September 2017


The Africa Interprofessional Education Network (AfrIPEN) and the University of Namibia invite you to the First Symposium for Interprofessional Education in Africa. This symposium follows the establishment of AfrIPEN in 2015 and the Network’s first strategic planning workshop in 2016. AfrIPEN’s aim is to establish interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPE) as integral part in training the health workforce and in the effective functioning of systems for health in Sub-Saharan Africa by advocating for, collaborating on, promoting and sharing good practice of IPE. Collaboration and participation from all stakeholders are important. All participants are expected to share their experiences (whether they present an abstract or not) and learn from each other. This will not be a symposium where you can just sit back and listen. Participation is required! Accepted presentations will be posted on the website.


Symposium themes

IPE: Building partnerships

The focus of this theme is to explore evidence how to build partnerships to facilitate effective Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP): within an institution, between an institution and service providers, between institutions, as well as nationally and internationally. This also includes policies and systems to promote IPE.

IPE: Sharing best practice and educational resources

Within the AfrIPEN family there is a great willingness to share models of IPE delivery and also educational resources. The organising committee calls for abstracts sharing innovative case studies of IPE. During an IPE World Café attendants will also have the opportunity to learn more about each other’s innovative approaches and to share their resources.

IPE: Faculty development

Developing the capacity of faculty to inculcate the competencies of interprofessional collaborative practice of students and service providers is pivotal to transform health professions education. Abstracts are invited presenting evidence of effective capacity building initiatives.

IPE: Collaborative research

Evidence of the impact of IPECP on student learning, health care provision and patient outcomes are needed in Sub-Saharan Africa. Educational research related to IPE should provide more than individual “show-and-tell” case studies and the perceptions of students. This challenges us to embark on initiatives of collaborative research across institutional and national boundaries. Are you involved in collaborative IPE research? Please submit it!

Symposium themes


Oral presentations

The topic is delivered verbally, generally accompanied by visual information in the form of PowerPoint slides. The talks are 15 minutes in length followed by 5 minutes for questions.

Poster presentations

The topic is delivered using brief written statements and graphic materials, such as charts, figures and photographs displayed on a poster board. Presenters have the opportunity to discuss their work with symposium participants during designated times in the programme. The dimensions of the poster should be A0 paper size (portrait orientation) (841 x 1189 mm / 33.1 x 46.8 in).

General information

  1. The symposium language is English and all presentations must be made in English. Translation will not be provided.
  2. The abstracts of oral presentations will be reproduced in a booklet and made available on the website as submitted by the author. It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Authors are also requested to make their slide presentations available for publication on
  3. The posters will be reproduced in a booklet and made available on the website as submitted by the author. Posters should be printed by the author/s. A PDF copy of the posters should be submitted to the organisers by 11 September 2017 (Wilma ten Ham-Baloyi,
  4. All correspondence will be with the person who submited the abstract online, including notification of the outcome. This person is responsible for informing all authors of the status of the abstract.
  5. Abstract authors are responsible for providing all copyright permissions for material included in their abstracts and presentations.
  6. The scheduling of all presentations will be determined by the Symposium Organising Committee to ensure best fit with the overall programme. Any requests for specific times will not be considered. Similar abstracts in related topic areas will be grouped together for presentation.
  7. PowerPoint presentation will be the only resource available for oral presentations.
  8. The presentation should include the same content and follow the same outline as that described in the abstract.

General information

Consent, permissions & copyright


In submitting an abstract you must confirm that:

  • you accept responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted abstract and understand that the content cannot be modified or corrected after the submission deadline and that it will be published exactly as submitted.
  • all co-authors are aware of and agree to the content of the abstract and support the data presented
  • you accept responsibility as the contact person for all correspondence about the abstract and to share information with all authors about its status
  • you have secured any copyright/permissions clearance required relating to any previous presentations, equipment or other material for inclusion in the symposium and symposium publications
  • for all studies involving human participants or animal subjects, permission has been obtained from the relevant regulatory authority and properly informed consent given where appropriate
  • the work is original, except for extracts from copyrighted works used with permission from the copyright holders, and that it does not infringe upon any copyright, proprietary, or personal right of any third party
  • you have identified any potential conflicts of interest.


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