Projects Situational Analysis
Developing and conducting a survey to determine the status of IPECP
The status of IPECP as philosophy, policy, curriculum, pedagogy and practice in the African region is not clear.
The objective of the Situational Analysis Working Group is to conduct a survey in Africa in close collaboration with Interprofessional.Global, who are developing a global survey, and WHO AFRO, who will assist to distribute the survey to member states.
AfrIPEN invites collaborators to join the Interprofessional.Global Situational Analysis working group to contribute and ensure that the survey instrument being developed is befitting the African needs.
Once the survey instrument is finalized, we will use it to collect data throughout Africa. This will feed into the Global Survey.
The framework underpinning the survey derives from D`Amour’s IECPCP Framework and aligned with the 2010 WHO IPE survey for a comparative study.
The complexity of the questionnaire means that slow progress is made while the working group grapples with issues of education, practice and students, issues of macro, meso and micro levels. Many questions have been developed at the three levels and currently these questions are being separated out according to education, practice and research. The survey structure will be organised into 3 (sub) surveys:
- IPE Survey
- IPCP Survey
- IP Research (IPR) Survey
And each (sub) survey will address the three levels of:
- Macro (National/State level policies/social and cultural values effecting/related to IPE, IPCP & IPR)
- Meso (Institutional/Organizational factors effecting/related to IPE, IPCP & IPR)
- Micro (contextual factors effecting/related to IPE, IPCP & IPR
Join the Working Group
Join as Collaborator in the AfrIPEN Situational Analysis working group. By joining here, AfrIPEN will be able to coordinate our African effort AND join as Collaborator in Interprofessional.Global’s situational Analysis working group.
Join the Working Group
Join as Collaborator in the AfrIPEN Situational Analysis working group. By joining here, AfrIPEN will be able to coordinate our African effort AND join as Collaborator in Interprofessional.Global’s situational Analysis working group.