Linköping University offers a brand new PhD course starting the 19 of March. The course is 5 credit points and web based. The course is delivered in collaboration with the Faculty of Health Sciences at The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsö, Norway.
The course is web-based.
The course is designed to allow the students to critically study theory and empirical evidence as a starting point for research in interprofessional collaboration, in education for professionals in healthcare and social care, as well as the professional practice.
The content reflects how policies on different levels interplay, and how interprofessional education and practice are designed and performed in a local context. The course gives an overview how to apply theory and research methods in different national contexts.
Students require a personal computer, access to internet connection of good quality, and video-conference capacity. The course is in English and is open for PhD students and students holding a professional degree of at least 120 points of relevance for the main field of study and admitted to study on advanced level, and teachers/researchers interested in studying their educational practices.
PhD students are admitted according to the following priority order:
- PhD students registered at the Faculty of Health Sciences or PhD students strongly connected to the Faculty of Health Sciences registered at other faculties within Linköping University.
- PhD students registered at other faculties within Linköping University.
- PhD students registered at other universities.Participation in the course of other students than above is only possible if there are fewer applicants from the above groups than students to be admitted.
Working forms
The pedagogical approach applied at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences is student centered, problem based learning (PBL). The student takes responsibility for his/her own learning, and seeks and evaluates information and knowledge based on own queries and formulated problems. The role of the teacher is to guide and support the students.
Educational methods applied in this course are web based; the whole course is delivered in a digital learning environment. There are individual assignments and group activities, both within the course and in cooperation with students registered at another university. The students interact in tutorial groups online and in webinars.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding
- Critically analyse the global discourse in health and social care aiming at promoting interprofessional education and collaboration.
- Identify how global policy and recommendations have an impact on local interprofessional practices of health and social care.
- Contrast theoretical perspectives on interprofessional learning and collaboration and compare their implications for supervision, learning, and practice-oriented research in different national contexts.
Competence and skills
- Motivate and apply relevant theories of learning to the design of an empirical study on interprofessional learning and collaboration in practice.
- Analyse and reflect on the research evidence on facilitation of interprofessional learning.
Judgement and approach
- Review the empirical research evidence as a knowledge base for communication in interprofessional practices.
- Acknowledge the group dynamics and collaborative processes in interprofessional learning.
Course coordinator:
Johanna Dahlberg Phone: +46 13 286 876 Email address: |
Course administrator:
Kajsa Bendtsen Phone: +46 13 282 217 Email address: